After the gentle suggestion of some family and friends, I’ve decided to open an Etsy shop for those interested in purchasing prints of some of my art. For now only some of the drawings are available (six, at the time of this post), but I hope to add more. If […]
Month: May 2012
Nathan Fillion as Rick Castle Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
While I don’t watch much current TV, one show I do faithfully watch is Castle. As I was trying to think of new subjects–and after watching one of the last shows of this fourth season–I naturally thought of Nathan Fillion as Rick Castle. Lately, I’ve been trying more and more […]
Myrna Loy Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
This drawing of classic actress Myrna Loy, was completed at the end of April/early May 2012 and presented a different challenge. The soft look in the photo was a different texture than I usually work with, and simply using an ordinary paper napkin as a blending tool ended up serving […]
Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
After doing a marker drawing of Marty McFly, I had wanted to do a pencil portrait of one of my favorite film characters. After one attempt of a different source photo failed, I was pretty happy with this one’s outcome. And it’s another example of, what I feel is, drawing […]
Bill Murray “Peter Venkman” Ghostbusters Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
I believe this drawing was done last fall sometime, but it was a fun project. Aside from this film remaining at the top of my list of favorites, it was fun to experiment with a different size source photo… and then to decide whether or not I should add in […]
Harpo Marx Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
It’s no secret that Harpo Marx is one of my favorite classic actors. When I was unsure of what to choose as my next project, I opted for this gem of a photo as my next source. So here’s my second Harpo drawing… Purchase link for prints:
Steve Carell “Michael Scott” The Office Freehand Pencil Portrait Drawing
As a fan of Steve Carell and The Office, I’ve tried to do some drawings of Steve several times over the years (the closest “good” one I’ve done was from his Evan Almighty promo photos, but I don’t like it enough to share it 🙂 ). This sketch was completed […]
Han Solo Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
I’d started a drawing of Han Solo about eight or nine years ago, but never finished it. So last fall, while I couldn’t find the first drawing, I started a new one during a new season of drawings. This one is from Empire, I believe, and I used an array […]