I did a drawing of these two a few years ago from the first movie, just sitting on steps chatting between takes. I saw this image and loved how it was kind of a sequel to it, which was from the sequel. And I thought it’d be fun to do […]
Day: March 12, 2016
Evangeline Lilly Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
OK, so sometimes after a long day of double the work, I don’t feel like doing anything work related (in this case, two commission drawings in progress), or even the fun projects already in progress. On this night, I just wanted to draw something new and in just graphite pencil. […]
Evangeline Lilly (“LOST” / “Ant-Man”)Freehand Colored Pencil Portrait Drawing
After doing a more “basic” colored pencil portrait of Han, I wanted to venture into more colored pencil portraits. So, as practice, I decided to draw Evangeline Lilly again, but this time all in color. The skin tones were definitely a challenge, but I found it to be pretty good […]
Matt Damon as Jason Bourne Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
Drawing on black paper is always tricky. After seeing the Super Bowl teaser for the new “Jason Bourne” film, and seeing the pretty cool poster art, I decided to attempt a drawing of Damon’s mug on black paper using white and grays. It was kinda fun, but definitely stressful trying […]
John Boyega as Finn in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
After Rey and Han, I decided to work on Finn… the source was another poster art image, but I decided to give him the Starkiller Base background with snow — as if Finn was engaging with – or about to – Kylo Ren. This one took a bit longer, but […]
Daisy Ridley as Rey in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
After drawing Han in all color – and liking the result (and process), I decided to revisit Rey already and give her a proper color drawing. The source image is just about perfect, with TIE fighters in the distance, but I didn’t want to just replicate it exactly, so I […]
Harrison Ford as Han Solo Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
After having drawn a colored pencil / pencil hybrid of Han, I decided I wanted to try my hand at a fully colored pencil Han Solo — with full intentions of hanging it in my basement, where I do all my drawing. So I ended up doing my best to […]
Harrison Ford as Han Solo with Chewbacca and the Millennium Falcon Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
With Han Solo being my favorite Star Wars character of all the films and extended canon, The Force Awakens definitely hit a sweet spot, so to speak. I loved seeing Han again, but it also left me with a need for closure. Ha… so this was my first homage to […]
Rey and BB-8 “Star Wars” Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
With the excitement of the release of the 7th Star Wars film, and after having seen it and loved it, I felt inspired to work on some Force Awakens art. This one of Rey with BB-8 is all graphite except for some colored pencil accents here and there. Purchase link […]
Westley and Buttercup “Princess Bride” Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
Back to graphite and colored pencil hybrids, and thanks to a wise request/suggestion from a friend, I decided to work on a piece for Princess Bride — one of my favorite films. It’s mostly graphite, however, with just Buttercup’s red dress and Wesley’s ROUS wounds in red. Purchase link […]
Dominic Monaghan as Charlie Pace in TV’s “LOST” Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
While rewatching the LOST TV series again, and after having done a series of LOST character pencil drawings a few years ago, I decided to add Charlie Pace to the group. Also, after doing a lot of colored pencil work, I find it to be a palate cleanser, so to […]
“The Green Arrow” Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
To follow the recent Flash drawing, and with Arrow’s new suit in the latest season of the show, I decided to take a stab at a full-color Arrow drawing. So this one is all colored pencil. Purchase link for prints: https://johndibiaseart.com/full-color-drawing-print-of-stephen-amell-as-green-arrow-in-tvs-arrow
Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter and Captain America Freehand Colored Pencil and Graphite Drawing
Here’s another pencil / colored pencil hybrid, this time of Hayley Atwell as Agent Peggy Carter and Chris Evans as Captain America. I wanted to do a new drawing of Peggy, but do something unique… like mixing in a bit of “what she’s fighting for” with Cap as a memory… […]
Ghostbusters “Ready to Believe You” Freehand Colored Pencil and Graphite Drawing
As I continue to experiment with colored pencil, I decided to try out the original GB’s in their blue labcoats for this portrait of all three guys. It was certainly a challenge for me, but a fun one to do nonetheless. Purchase link for prints: https://johndibiaseart.com/peter-egon-and-ray-ready-to-believe-you-ghostbusters-drawing-print