Another draw to attend the Boston Fan Expo was the chance to meet Cary Elwes in the flesh. I’ve been a fan since The Princess Bride, but his appearance in films like Twister, Liar Liar, A Christmas Carol and even the TV show Psych have only cemented my fandom. Knowing we were going to the con, I drew this one up freehand, in colored pencil and marker, relatively quickly in hopes he’d sign it… and he was a joy to meet in person!
Funny moment when meeting him… when he saw the drawing to sign, I presented him with a copy and he goes, “but I want this one!” as he looked at the original.
After signing it, as I put it back in my portfolio of other drawings for people we’d meet that day, he saw my other artwork and snatched the book out of my hands to look at the other pieces. When he saw my Marty & Doc drawing, he insisted I get Michael J. Fox to sign it because this was one of his last conventions. Sadly, we didn’t get a chance to make that happen (and, honestly, we couldn’t have afforded it anyway… without throwing the fee on a credit card, that is.)
Purchase link for unsigned copies of this drawing: