It’s time for me to part with some more of my original works. I store them in my portfolios and I realize they’re just being “wasted” hidden in between pages of other hidden works — when people can be enjoying them on their walls or wherever. The pricing depends on […]
Original Artwork for Sale
If you ever see a print of something on Etsy that you’d be interested paying top dollar for, feel free to private message me on Etsy with your best offer. I’ll let you know if I’m interested or not. For the most part, the originals aren’t on sale because I […]
Harrison Ford as Han Solo Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
Truth be told, colored pencil is outside my comfort zone. However, I see other artists do INCREDIBLE things with it all the time, and it makes me want to push myself to get better at it. I decided I want to try my hand at more colored pencil work and […]
Drawing of Plumb
Since 1997, I’ve been an avid listener and fan of Plumb and her music (in other words, since “Plumb” was a band, not just Tiffany’s performing alias). As a follow-up to Yvonne as a proverbial artistic reset button, I decided to try my hand at this portrait of Plumb. (Print […]
Yvonne Strahovski (“Chuck” / “24: Live Another Day”) Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
Doing just straight-up pencil drawings is kind of a palette cleanser for me. So after (or sometimes during) working on something that detail and/or color intensive, I’ll just start a drawing like this one for fun and further practice. After getting totally addicted to the show “Chuck” via NetFlix, I […]
Rocket and Groot from “Guardians of the Galaxy” Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
After drawing Chris Pratt as Star Lord –and heeding requests from some folks– I decided to attack a Rocket and Groot drawing. I approached it with mostly graphite pencil and then added in colored pencil for some of Rocket’s fur, the sight on his gun and Groot’s moss. Purchase link […]
Chris Pratt as Peter Quill/Star Lord in “Guardians of the Galaxy” Freehand Colored Pencil and Graphite Pencil Drawing
I wasn’t sure what to make of Guardians of the Galaxy upon seeing the first trailers, but I knew I should give it a shot. Before seeing the movie, I caught up on seasons 2 thru 6 of Parks and Recreation, so I was ready to see Chris Pratt take […]
Jack Bauer and Chloe O’Brian from “24: Live Another Day” Graphite Pencil / Prismacolor Hybrid Freehand Drawing
After having binge-watched 8 seasons of 24 to catch up to the new season and watch half of it as it aired, I was bit pretty hard by the “24” bug. A friend suggested I draw the promo art for “Live Another Day” and I immediately pictured it as graphite […]
Rick Moranis as Louis Tully / Vinz Clortho in “Ghostbusters” Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
Deciding to go for another Ghostbusters piece, I realized I’ve never drawn Louis! And I thought this portrait summed him up pretty nicely. The colander was pretty challenging with all the detail and various colors, but I was mostly happy with the end result. Purchase link for prints:
Bill Murray and Sigourney Weaver in “Ghostbusters” Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
Exhibit A. (See previous post about Audrey Hepburn) This was a challenge for sure. I really enjoy doing Ghostbusters themed pieces and I was surprised, while looking for inspiring images online, to have never seen the source photo for this drawing before. I found it especially challenging–since I draw entirely […]
Audrey Hepburn in “Charade” Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’m seldom happy with the end results of my drawings. We’ve come to hang a few of my works around the house to decorate the walls a bit, and our living room has been classic film actors for several years now. Older […]
A Handful of Original Drawings Now On Sale
I find it difficult to part with many of my original drawings, but I realize I can’t keep them all… So I’m cleaning shop a bit. These are original, 9×12 drawings — not prints/copies — so they’re one-of-a-kind, and once they’re gone, they’re gone! What is available: 1. Thor / […]
Evangeline Lilly Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
Close to finishing Optimus, I wanted to start a new drawing just for pure kicks. I tend to troll the web for inspiring photos to attempt to draw and I had this one on my iPad for months (probably when I was looking for a photo of Evangeline for the […]
Optimus Prime from “Transformers: Age of Extinction” Freehand Colored Pencil, Graphite Pencil Drawing
After Roger & Eddie, I decided to attempt something I felt very uncomfortable with. I grew up with Transformers and I love Optimus Prime, but the detail in Michael Bay’s take on Transformers is just… overwhelming! So I decided to step out of my comfort zone and attempt an Optimus […]
Roger Rabbit and Eddie Valiant from “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” Freehand Colored Pencil, Graphite mash-up Drawing
I hit an inspiration wall after finishing Slimer. But while looking for new subject matter, I stumbled upon a wonderful photo of Roger standing on a car next to Bob Hoskins as Eddie in a promo photo for Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a classic 80s film. I thought it would […]
Slimer in “Ghostbusters” Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
Keeping with the fact that Ghostbusters is my favorite film, and wanting to work with colored pencils some more, I decided to take a stab at Slimer in Ghostbusters. I found it a bit more challenging than I expected. For one, I had trouble not making it look too cartoony… […]
Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer in “24” Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
After watching the entire series “LOST” for the first time back in 2012, I immediately tried entering into the world of another series I had missed when it aired, “24.” But sadly, the pilot was everything I didn’t want in a show (including 2 teenage girls accompanying 2 teenage boys […]
Jim Carrey holding a rose Freehand Graphite Pencil and Colored Pencil Drawing
Almost ever since I walked by a magazine rack in 2000 displaying an Entertainment Weekly cover photo of Jim Carrey holding a rose with a lovey dovey look on his face and blood dripping down his fingers, I knew it’d make a fun portrait. I finally found it online and […]
Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) and Spider-Man with Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy Freehand Colored Pencil and Graphite Drawing
After having previously done a drawing of Bruce Banner / Hulk and Bruce Wayne / Batman, I decided to do a Peter Parker / The Amazing Spider-Man mash-up. Since I draw freehand, I just try to guess where on the page to start and build out from there (which is […]
Pencil Drawing of Eddie Cantor
When I was pretty young, my grandfather introduced some great classic movies and actors to me. My parents did as well, but I have vivid memories of my grandfather frequently quoting and talking about Eddie Cantor. Eddie was huge in the 30s for his films AND musical career, being one […]
Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter in Captain America Freehand Graphite Pencil and Prismacolor Hybrid Drawing
Welp, I thought Captain America needs his Peggy, so I decided to do a graphite pencil of Hayley Atwell as Peggy from the first Cap movie and decided to color her eyes and lips, however, with Prismacolor pencils. I also tried to push my detailing a bit, spending more time […]
Steve Carell as Brick Tamland in “Anchorman” Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
Typically, when I work on a drawing, I do one at a time, but after starting a couple commissions at once, I also wanted to do a side project or two just for fun so that I wasn’t spending all day in an office and then working again in my […]
Singer/Producer/Director Steve Taylor Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
After finally seeing Steve Taylor in concert, fulfilling a longtime dream, I impulsively decided to draw one of the photos I took at a May 4th, 2014 concert in Manheim, PA. For the concert’s encore, Steve came out wearing his flashy jacket from the 80s and I thought it was […]
Sebastian Stan as The Winter Soldier Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Portrait
After the recent Captian America drawing, I received a couple requests for The Winter Soldier. And after seeing and liking the film myself, I loved the idea of attempting it. This one was certainly a challenge, but I loved adding the red star in colored pencil in addition to the […]
Liv Tyler Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
After drawing Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, I wanted to do a pencil drawing of Liv Tyler as the elf Arwen — but I couldn’t find a picture I liked enough to work on. So, while looking for Arwen photos, I came across just a regular glam shot of […]
Audrey Hepburn “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
Usually I just draw something for fun or to fulfill a request, but I decided to work on another Audrey Hepburn drawing with the intent of hanging it in our living room. I do like the final result better than the previous Audrey drawing I did 🙂 Purchase link for […]
Jaci Velasquez Updated Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
I hate that when I find an older drawing that could use some touching up, I tend to be reminded of how George Lucas has never been satisfied with his Star Wars work and continues to edit them time and time again. While no work of mine can be compared […]
Chris Evans in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Pencil Drawing
With the release of a new Captain America movie, I felt inspired to do a new Captain America drawing. I like the other two I did, but I liked that this poster art (the source photo I used to draw this) had Chris’s face in full. And, again, I used […]
Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey in “The Hobbit” Lord of the Rings Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
After drawing Tauriel, I decided it’d be cool to do a Gandalf drawing. However, I didn’t quite realize the horror of trying to draw his dang beard until I tried to. Needless to say, I ended up having to take several breaks while working on it, and only work on […]
Evangeline Lilly as Tauriel in “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” Freehand Graphite Drawing
Ever since “discovering” and becoming a hopeless LOST fan in 2012, I’ve enjoyed Evangeline Lilly’s work. I was pretty stoked to learn she was joining the world of The Hobbit and, recently after revisiting The Lord of the Rings film, I just felt inspired to draw Tauriel from the second […]