Somehow I missed posting this one, but I did really enjoy working on Sherlock’s Watson. I love Martin Freeman as an actor and I originally hadn’t planned on drawing him as Watson, but after watching the show–and then drawing Benedict — I felt I needed to add Watson. For this […]
Rachel Weisz Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
In late June, 2013, I decided to follow Superman with a portrait of Rachel Weisz, an actress I’ve enjoyed the work of since I first saw her in Chain Reaction and then The Mummy. For this one, I really tried to push detail again and use various grades of pencils. […]
Henry Cavill as Superman in Man of Steel Freehand Colored Pencil/Graphite Drawing
Here’s the final scan of the aforementioned Superman portrait. After seeing the film “Man of Steel” at midnight on 6/14/13, I started work on this drawing later that morning. I finished it three days later (but “four” sessions: 6/14, 15, 16, 17) in the AM… I used mostly Prismacolor Premiere […]
Process of a Portrait: Superman (Henry Cavill) [Colored Pencil and Graphite]
Some people like to see drawings in progress and I have gotten in the habit of taking progress shots with my phone while working on it. It’s good to get another perspective on it, actually, to compare the drawing to the original source photo, and to also see how it […]
Leonard Nimoy as Spock in Star Trek Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
With all the hype surrounding the release of Star Trek Into Darkness, and with the recent completion of my drawing of “Shatner” Kirk, I decided it was a good time to add Spock to the mix. For this one, like the Kirk drawing, I did all of his skin in […]
Sean Connery as James Bond Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
After finishing the Indiana Jones drawing, I decided to return to drawing something from scratch and worked on this image of Sean Connery as James Bond. I’d wanted to draw him, but didn’t want to draw one of the most commonly seen iconic images; there were enough drawings of those. […]
Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones Freehand Graphite Drawing
This drawing has kind of an interesting story. I started it on February 5, 2009 and worked on it for a total of five different times during that month before abandoning it. I really didn’t like how it looked and I didn’t like feeling like I was wasting time on […]
Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes Freehand Graphite Drawing
After heeding a friends recommendation to watch the BBC “Sherlock” show (thanks Beca!) and discovering just how excellent it is, I also learned how big of a following the show really has. So after a few requests for a portrait drawing of Benedict, I decided to take the leap. I […]
Drawing of Tom Cruise in Minority Report
(finished product, April 27, 2013) This drawing has an interesting story to me… I started it in my sketchbook on December 30, 2002 and apparently only worked on it the following day before never coming back to it. (Although I remember working on it on a break at my job […]
Eva Green (as Vesper in Casino Royale) Freehand Graphite Drawing
One of the things I really liked about the James Bond reboot Casino Royale was his vulnerability in falling for Vesper (and how that all inevitably lead to him becoming “James Bond”). I really liked Eva Green in the role, so I decided to give a drawing of her a […]
William Shatner as Capt. Kirk Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
After Obi-Wan, I received another suggestion for drawing Kirk and decided I liked the idea. I started this and someone asked if I’d be working in the captain color of yellow somewhere, so I decided to do his entire shirt in yellow. That was definitely a challenge but I really […]
Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
After drawing Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, I decided to try tackling a lightsaber-wielding Jedi for the first time. I’ve wanted to do a Star Wars hybrid like this and I enjoyed Ewan McGregor’s Obi-Wan in the prequels, for the most part. This was pretty fun and challenging. All […]
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark (Iron Man) Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
When trying to think of another subject to draw next, I thought of the pending Iron Man 3 movie coming out and I thought about how I like the Iron Man/Tony Stark hybrid drawing I’ve done, but I knew the portrait of Robert Downey as Tony Stark could be better. […]
Audrey Hepburn Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait
To be honest, I’m not a big fan of “Hey! You should draw _____”, but recently someone said that and filled in the blank with “Audrey Hepburn” and I realized “Yeah… that’d be cool!” So here ya go. The first attempt from a different photograph wasn’t panning out, so I […]
Matthew Fox as Jack Shephard in LOST Freehand Graphite Drawing
How could I do a series of LOST portraits and not draw Jack Shephard, right? I’m finding that it’s tough to know when a drawing is “done” as I’m pushing myself with detail. This is a computer scan of the drawing, so it doesn’t capture the darker areas as dark […]
Jim Caviezel as John Reese in Person of Interest Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
This is a pencil portrait I did of Jim Caviezel as John Reese in the TV show Person of Interest. This is actually my second attempt at Caviezel in a row. I started working on one drawing and was super unhappy with it, so I abandoned it and started this […]
Desmond Hume (Henry Ian Cusick) from the show LOST Freehand Graphite Pencil Drawing
Next in my LOST series is Desmond. Definitely my favorite character from the show. I like the photo and thought it was a unique one to work on… (February 2013) Purchase link for prints: Purchase link for the original:×12
I’m Now on Facebook!
Last week I decided to bite the bullet and launch my own Facebook Page dedicated to my art pursuits. I’ve posted most of my drawings on there (even some not on here) and will be posting progress-report cell phone captures of drawings in progress too. Check it out at […]
Josh Holloway as Sawyer in LOST Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait
The fourth in the LOST series is of Josh Holloway who played Sawyer/James Ford. This one was pretty challenging from the start. I attempted one photo and was immediately not happy with it, so I ditched it and decided to try a second picture to draw from. I ended up […]
Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet from LOST Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait
The third in my series of LOST characters is Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet in the show LOST. It’s another fully graphite pencil drawing done with various grades of pencils on a 9×12 bristol pad. I later reworked the drawing a bit, so here’s the purchase link for prints:
Terry O’Quinn as John Locke from LOST Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait
Here’s another I did with drafting pencils and was really happy with the detail. It’s the second entry into my LOST series… Purchase link for prints: Purchase link for the original drawing:×12
Evangeline Lilly as Kate Austen in LOST Freehand Graphite Drawing
In April, 2012, I “discovered” the TV series LOST when offered an app for their Prime users for the PS3 system. I started watching the show, got hooked, and watched all 6 seasons in about a month’s time. A month or two later I had my wife sit down […]
Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd from Ghostbusters Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Portrait Drawing
I loved the camaraderie and “broseph”-ness of this photo. I believe it was taken while the guys where having a smoke break during the filming of Ghostbusters. This was a big challenge for me because, for the life of me, I could NOT reproduce the face of Bill Murray in […]
Bill Murray as Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
Ghostbusters has been and probably always will be my favorite all-time movie. As such, I just really enjoy trying to make new artwork themed around these characters and actors. I found a black and white photo of Bill Murray posing (or candid?) on set and I just love how natural […]
Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
Following seeing The Hobbit, I felt inspired to draw this Martin Freeman suited up as Bilbo Baggins. The detail in the shirt was definitely a challenge, but it felt worth it in the end. It was done entirely with just regular wood drawing pencils I believe. Purchase link for prints: […]
Iron Man Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
At the request of someone, I took this challenge because I thought it actually sounded like fun — and would be a challenge. And indeed it was! I laid this drawing of Iron Man out in light pencil first and then went through with various Prismacolor Premiere colored pencils to […]
Nathan Fillion in “Firefly” Freehand Graphite Commissioned Pencil Portrait Drawing
I’m pretty behind here on posting the latest projects, so it’s catch-up time. Here goes! As a Christmas gift for a dear friend I worked up a sketch of Nathan Fillion as Captain Mal from the popular, cancelled-after-1-season-show, Firefly. It was completed at the end of November in time for […]
Hawkeye and Black Widow Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawings
To answer the call of many a beloved fellow superhero nerd on Instagram and Facebook, I added the colored pencil / graphite treatments of Hawkeye and Black Widow to the mix to complete my Avengers series (sorry Fury…). Purchase link for Black Widow Prints: Purchase link for Hawkeye Prints: […]
Full Color Captain America Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
Graphite pencil is my comfort zone. I started out there, I feel most comfortable there. But it’s pictures like this one that inspire me to go color. It’s a vibrant source photo (a promo for The Avengers movie) and it just aches to be drawn in color. So I decided […]
Bob Hope Freehand Graphite Pencil Portrait Drawing
After finishing the Luke sketch, I again wasn’t sure where to go next, and loved this pose when I stumbled upon it, so I found this to be the fun next entry into my collection of portraits. This drawing of Bob Hope was done entirely in pencil during September, 2012. […]