I have posted this drawing on here before, but when we made the trip to Boston Fan Expo, I took with me just in case it worked out to meet Michael J. Fox and/or Christopher Lloyd. While we did spring for the photo op with Michael, it proved just too […]
Cary Elwes from “The Princess Bride” (Autographed) Freehand Colored Pencil and Marker Drawing
Another draw to attend the Boston Fan Expo was the chance to meet Cary Elwes in the flesh. I’ve been a fan since The Princess Bride, but his appearance in films like Twister, Liar Liar, A Christmas Carol and even the TV show Psych have only cemented my fandom. Knowing […]
Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing for Cover Art
For as long as I’ve loved music, I’ve loved making mixtapes, mix CDs and playlists. For several years now, my music website – Jesusfreakhideout.com – has been releasing independent music samplers – completely FREE to download. For the latest one, I decided to draw Chris Pratt as Peter Quill / […]
Charlize Theron Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
Some drawings just take time to finish. This is one of those drawings that I started at one point, set aside, and worked on other things. I’d occasionally pick it up again, but it remained unfinished for a long time. I finally just hit a point where I needed to […]
Steve Carell as Michael Scott Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
If I had to pick one, I think my all-time favorite TV show would be the US version of The Office. At times, it captures office life quite well, but it’s the characters I love coming back to. It’s just a funny show that’s often lighthearted even when it’s a […]
Balki and Larry “Perfect Strangers” Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
One show I absolutely loved while growing up was the comedy, Perfect Strangers. Recently I revisited the entire series, binge-watching it from start to finish, and it inspired me to attempt a portrait of the two cousins. I used a mixture of marker (as a base) and colored pencil, and […]
Evangeline Lilly as Wasp (Autographed!) Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
Another selling point for our trek to Boston was to meet actress Evangeline Lilly — who is most famous for her role as Wasp in Ant-Man and the Wasp and as Kate Austen in the show LOST. Evangeline has also carved out a career for herself as a childrens’ author, […]
Jeff Goldblum as Ian Malcom in “The Lost World: Jurassic Park,” and T-Rex, Velociraptor (Autographed!) Freehand Drawing
Confession time… I actually like The Lost World: Jurassic Park. No, I know it’s not as good as the original. And I know it’s not a great movie, but I do really enjoy it. And it came out while I was in high school and I have fond memories of […]
Jenna Fischer Colored Pencil Sketch on Toned Tan Paper
As a response to the warm reception some Office fans gave me regarding my Office themed drawings, I decided to do a “quicker” colored pencil drawing of Jenna Fischer (who played Pam on The Office) and share it with them. The original drawing – which was done freehand on toned […]
Gal Gadot (with Fish Lips!) Freehand Graphite Drawing
Typically, if I’m in a time crunch one night and don’t have a lot of drawing time – or I’m feeling completely unsure of what to draw (and just want to try to capture the beauty of a pretty face), I’ll end up turning to a “stack” of inspirational photographs […]
Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars Graphite and Colored Pencil Portrait
To finish – at least for now – my young & old series for Star Wars characters, I set out to draw Obi-Wan Kenobi. The interesting part about this one, was that it was the only character who was played by two different people. But I definitely liked how it […]
Zoe Saldana Freehand Graphite Drawing
In an effort to do more sketches more often of various people, a subject like the beautiful Zoe Saldana is an easy one to gravitate toward. This drawing was done freehand (like the others) with graphite pencils. Link for prints: https://johndibiaseart.com/drawing-print-of-zoe-saldana-guardians-of-the-galaxy-avengers-avatar
Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore in Ghostbusters Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing (Autographed!)
The main selling point of going to Chiller on my birthday was to meet an original Ghostbuster himself, Ernie Hudson. The original movie is my favorite film of all-time and has been a favorite since I was quite young. To meet Ernie was a real treat! To make the day […]
Steven Weber and Tim Daly from TV’s “Wings” Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing – Autographed!
Meeting Richard Dreyfuss was a unique experience for me — meeting a celebrity and getting his signature on an original piece of artwork I’d done. I’ve had drawings signed before, but usually they were as prints. I wasn’t ever sure I’d want one of my original drawings inked up. Last […]
Gal Gadot Freehand Graphite Drawing
Freehand graphite drawing of Gal Gadot — I actually started this one in December 2017 as a quick sketch and then spent some time working on it off and on until finishing it in July 2018. The denim jacket was definitely the most tedious part of the drawing. I was […]
Han Solo and Han Solo Young and Old Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Drawing
Joining Leia and Luke in my young-and-old series is this Han Solo freehand drawing I did. I drew Han young from A New Hope in colored pencil and him older in graphite from the Force Awakens. Link for prints: https://johndibiaseart.com/drawing-print-of-colored-pencil-drawing-of-harrison-ford-as-han-solo-in-star-wars-85-x-11
Custom “Big Bang Theory” Character Sketch Cards
Here is a batch of Big Bang Theory themed character sketch cards I did for a customer upon request. Doing small portraits is way out of my comfort zone, but upon starting to do more sketch cards, I’ve found it to be a regular task now… (and good practice) www.johndibiaseart.com
Original Freehand Drawing of Duo Vocal Few for Poster Art
Earlier this year, husband/wife duo Vocal Few approached me about doing an original drawing for a tour poster they wanted to make. I mocked it up with pencil and worked closely with them on the color scheme, tone, etc and above is the end result of the drawing. Below is […]
Richard Dreyfuss from “JAWS” Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing – Autographed!
I’d never been to a comic-con or similar con before. But when Richard Dreyfuss, who stars in my wife’s favorite movie of all time, JAWS, came to our area, I knew we had to go. And when she couldn’t decide on what piece of JAWS merch to get signed, I […]
Stana Katic Freehand Colored Pencil Sketch on Toned Tan Paper
One of the many sketched I did was this freehand colored pencil drawing of the lovely Stana Katic on toned tan paper. It was definitely a shorter-timed, rougher sketch, but I put extra time in on it to finish it off more. Doing the rougher sketches still is outside my […]
Rashida Jones Freehand Graphite and Colored Pencil Sketch
As and Office and Parks & Rec fan, it’s easy to love Rashida Jones. Late last year (2017), I tried doing almost nightly sketches — shorter, timed portraits. It was a stretch for me, especially in trying to draw faster, but it forced it me to consider something done before […]
Jim Halpbert (John Krasinski) Updated Freehand Drawing
Every once in a while I get the itch to update/fix/edit a drawing I previously finished. I was never happy with my original Jim from The Office drawing, so I was pretty open to the idea to update/fix it. I ended up having a lot of fun fixing this one […]
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in “The Last Jedi” and “Empire Strikes Back” Colored Pencil and Graphite Drawing
This is a freehand Colored Pencil and Graphite Drawing of Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi and Empire Strikes Back to go along with the recent Leia piece. And, upon its completion, I decided it was time to add Han to the mix… Link for prints: https://johndibiaseart.com/drawing-print-of-colored-pencil-drawing-of-mark-hamill-as-luke-skywalker-in-star-wars-85-x-11
Carrie Fisher as Leia in “The Last Jedi” and “Empire Strikes Back” Freehand Colored Pencil and Graphite Drawing
This is a freehand Colored Pencil and Graphite Drawing of Carrie Fisher as Leia in The Last Jedi and Empire Strikes Back that I did to honor our fallen princess. I wanted to merge her last appearance in Star Wars with one of her more beloved appearances in a Star […]
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
In preparation for seeing Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I decided to do a freehand colored pencil portrait of Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker. I love these movies; I grew up on the original trilogy, so Luke has always been a hero of mine. After seeing the movie, this portrait […]
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine from “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” Freehand Graphite Drawing
Here’s another commission project I did around the holidays – a freehand graphite drawing of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine from “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.” This was an enjoyable commission too. 🙂 Purchase link for prints: https://johndibiaseart.com/drawing-print-of-hugh-jackman-as-logan-the-wolverine-in-x-men-origins-wolverine
2017 Topps “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” Sketch Cards
The second batch of sketch cards I did for Topps was their “Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Series 1” Trading Card set, which released December 15, 2017. These are just a few of the 35 or so I did for the set. The cards that Topps kept were randomly […]
“Thor Ragnarok” Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
I love the Marvel movies, and with “Thor Ragnarok”‘s release, I felt inspired to do an all-new colored pencil work based around the film. This one was pretty fun — I wanted to try to do something a little unique by making a collage. It’s entirely freehand with colored pencil […]
Henry Cavill as Superman in “Justice League” Commissioned Freehand Colored Pencil Drawing
My favorite kind of commission pieces to do are ones where I actually like the subject matter. A wonderful new client requested an original drawing of Superman for herself in full color. This was a fun piece to do because I love Henry’s interpretation of the Man of Steel. This […]
2017 Topps “Star Wars MasterWork” Sketch Cards
Over the summer 2017, I drew 46 sketch cards for Topps Trading Cards for their 2017 Star Wars MasterWork series. The cards are a high-end collector’s series that includes random sketch cards from a slew of great artists as bonus cards inside trading card packs. The sketches are the actual […]